Why the artistic Apericena?

To take home a little piece of beauty and maybe even some works of art from our friends and collaborators! Why not!?!

At the Agriturismo we try to observe Nature and imitate it, to fit into it, without doing any harm.

We believe we are an integral part of Nature, of Being Nature and therefore we try to reproduce a “system of life” that is as suitable as possible for the Human Being, satisfying all its facets, but which is also harmoniously integrated with Nature.

We welcome artists of various kinds to our agritourism with great pleasure, because we believe that art in all its forms nourishes the heart and is a manifestation of the beauty of the soul.

Nature creates beauty and the human being paintings and works of art !

Wonderful flowers, breathtaking landscapes, beautiful plants delight us like many of Mother Nature’s creations, but also ours! The paintings, the sculptures of our artists, rather than a small show, bring to the world this quality that gladdens the soul. When we resonate with Nature, we also resonate with the beauty that Nature Itself creates.

In an enchanted place like our Farmhouse, with a breathtaking view, delicious food and good wine, you will be able to better enjoy the Works of Art proposed by our Artist collaborators and even buy them if you want. Every form of art, painting, sculpture, poetry, theater or other is combined with an Apericena thus creating unforgettable moments and opportunities for your personal growth.


Look at our EVENTS CALENDAR and when is the next ARTISTIC APERITIF


See our friends and Contributing Artists